
We must surely all know at least one person who suffered an adverse reaction to the covid vaccines. I know of several, with one so severely injured that she has gone from being a young mother with a successful business to a patient needing the highest care and attention because of a severe autoimmune reaction. Worse still are the deaths in the millions from the vaccines.

Most are not accepting the covid vaccine skepticism required for truly moving on from the covid nightmare. Of course, we don’t know where things are going next but one thing we do know. Good news indeed: despite the arsenal of betrayers of the world’s population in smothering the truth about the covid pandemic, not to mention the deniers that the world has just suffered a bioweapons attack, one group of doctors, the World Council for Health, has delivered a liability notice to individuals in the WHO for misinforming governments worldwide, thus causing death and harm around the world. This is amazing news; the World Council for Health is taking action on behalf of suffering people around the globe. The notice to members of the WHO, including its director general, has been delivered in the name of “truth, justice and accountability”. I urge you to read the article dated May 7, 2024, entitled “The Notice of Liability delivered to individuals at the W.H.O.”. Also, watch Senator Ron Johnson on Rumble plus some doctors speaking on this issue:

We must not be naive about what has happened during the covid “plandemic”. We need to have discernment, not gullibility because we believe the media without question. The regular media needs to be overlooked and you need to find the TRUTH. Christians claim to know the truth – the truth about the gospel. If we are people of the truth, know truth and falsehood everywhere it rears its head. In the case of covid, the world’s population has been attacked by groups of people in power, be they the EU, the UN, the WHO, the WEF (World Economic Forum) or American and allied Intelligence Agencies and others. This is not the time to be telling Christians to be loving by getting vaccinated. We have been lied to. Discern truth from lies, both in theology and the times in which we live. No, you are not being loving by being vaccinated and “protecting” your neighbour by so doing, thereby setting an example of Christian sacrificial love. The vaccines kill and maim. The vaccines induce covid infection. The vaccines cause harm to the organs of the body, to fertility, to embryos and foetuses. God doesn’t call anyone to believe the world’s lies, nor to kill or maim themselves for their neighbours on a mass scale based on lies. Here, of course, I am not referring to the maiming of Bishop Mari Mari Emmanuel, stabbed recently by an Islamic jihadist. Bishop Emmanuel is one fine example of Christianity because he forgave his assailant and was back at the pulpit two weeks after the attack. He did not maim himself during the attack in Sydney as he was delivering a sermon. He was in the midst of serving God in ministry. When I speak of killing and maiming ourselves, I speak of having covid vaccines.

Accusations of misinformation and disinformation as well as exclusion from work, thus loss of livelihood, have been suffered by many brave people who have stood up to health tyranny and are now pushing back. We, the everyday common person, need to resist lies and tyranny from those who seek to break us, even to the point of death. I know this sounds outlandish but I believe with all my heart and mind that this is what we are now in the midst of. Stand against the tyranny in whatever way you can. Inform your family. Refuse any further jabs. And some experts appear to be called to do more. God bless you in your stand against tyranny, in whatever guise it comes.

This bioweapons attack is linked to other agendas by the Marxists who rule our world, forcing governments around the globe to betray their people. Climate change is part of that agenda, as are dangerous migration policies. I do not advocate for the trashing of our planet but the political ideology known as “Climate Change” is just that, an ideology to shut us all up and to allow the elites to rule us by one means or another. Climate change has been going on since the world was created. We had the ice age. We had the warm age during the Roman era. We have had other climatic ages. Now the climate is changing again: a perfectly normal feature of our planet. Is “climate change”due to naughty human activity like farming? No, but that is the excuse that is being wheeled out by the elites who have encouraged the mass adoption of new technologies coupled with the destruction of reliable ones. Farmers have been forced off their land. This has caused loss to them and to us. This will result in a catastrophe for the world population’s food needs.

Policies that make no sense to any rational person, such as unabated migration by dubious foreign entities into Western nations, conceal an agenda. Could it ultimately be the attempted destruction of Christianity by globalist elites? In the following article by Dr Robert Malone, see the UN’s role in migration policies for nations that were once truly sovereign.

See the following article written by Dr Malone’s wife, Dr Jill Glasspool Malone, on the UN and its role in the covid “plandemic”:

Pushback on migration also comes in this speech delivered by Eva Vaardingerbroek. Scroll down the linked page to see her speech on X.

There appears to be a link in these agendas. The result of them would appear to be maximising harm to as many people as possible. The advocated health response to the covid pandemic has caused much harm in the way of injured health and grief for many at the deaths of loved ones. The anti-farming policies appears to be a way of controlling what we can eat in the future as well as ruining the lives of some of the most productive members of society. The migration policies also cause harm, but this appears to be targeted to the Christian west. We are in the midst of regime change, or an attempted regime change, and that coming from once-trusted power groups like the UN and US and allied Intelligence services.

Just spreading the word.