John 16:33

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 (NASB)

I have placed this verse on the top of my web page because I see it as pertinent now more than ever. As but one example of tribulation, we have all just witnessed the church being persecuted in the name of medical tyranny through the covid-19 scare and forced vaccination campaigns. The forced closure of churches was not done in the interests of our health otherwise why were strip clubs and gambling centres allowed to remain open? Why were Marxist gatherings allowed to meet but conservative meetings clamped down upon?

There were some wonderful examples of faithful pastors and churches who, when they realised that they were being lied to by the government, opened their churches despite government overreach. These pastors and churches were an inspiration to godly faith.

Here was an example of “tribulation” in the world yet through a determination to trust God every step of the way, the faithful demonstrated to many of us what it is to “take courage” because Jesus has “overcome the world”. Courage does not mean that all difficulty will be removed, not even that life itself won’t be removed but trusting that all things work together for the ultimate good and that only in the place of God’s choosing for each person can there be true peace.
