No Tyranny And No Anarchy

Australians are taking into this election something new. We, like most people around the world, have experienced government tyranny for the first time in our lives. We’ve seen what it looks like. Our freedom was curtailed in the name of health. Who would ever have thought? Health was the reason given for locking us down, mandating vaccines, ruining livelihoods and wrecking the economy. Most of the world’s population appeared to accept the narrative and all was permissible in the name of “protecting” us. But if we take a closer look, the measures taken were about more than health protections. Death and injury statistics from vaccines were being swept under the carpet by media, governments and even some of the health sector. Covid death numbers, many health professionals believe, were untruthfully inflated. Why were good health protocols and effective drugs prohibited and suspicious vaccines mandated instead? 

This has been the subject of a book by Robert F Kennedy Jr, son of assassinated senator, Robert F Kennedy and nephew of assassinated president, John F Kennedy. Entitled “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health”, Kennedy documents in quite detailed fashion the workings and intrigue within medical research and drug approvals since Dr Fauci, director of America’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has held his position. Fauci has been NIAID’s director since 1984. Far from allergies, autoimmune diseases and cancers (some cancers are precipitated by infections) abating for the past 50 years, they have all steadily grown in incidence. RFK Jr looks at the disastrous outcomes of Dr Fauci’s recommendations for American, and often, global public health, tracing back Dr Fauci’s manouvering of taxpayer money (NIAID is currently getting $6.3B annually) towards research and drugs that serve to maximise profits for Big Pharma and himself. Here is a quote from the book :

“All his strategies during COVID—falsifying science to bring dangerous and ineffective drugs to market, suppressing and sabotaging competitive products that have lower profit margins even if the cost is prolonging pandemics and losing thousands of lives—all of these share a common purpose: the myopic devotion to Pharma. This book will show you that Tony Fauci does not do public health; he is a businessman, who has used his office to enrich his pharmaceutical partners and expand the reach of influence that has made him the most powerful—and despotic—doctor in human history. For some readers, reaching that conclusion will require crossing some new bridges; many readers, however, intuitively know the real Anthony Fauci, and need only to see the facts illuminated and organized. I wrote this book so that Americans—both Democrat and Republican—can understand Dr. Fauci’s pernicious role in allowing pharmaceutical companies to dominate our government and subvert our democracy, and to chronicle the key role Dr. Fauci has played in the current coup d’état against democracy.”

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F Kennedy Jr.

I, like many other voters, felt betrayed by our governments. Hats off to all those peaceful protesters who went out and let their voices be heard, not that the mainstream media helped. They are part of the global rort but more on that in the future. Freedom from government tyranny is why there are so many candidates standing in this election under the banner of freedom.

But amidst all the talk of freedom, I do caution Victorians about one senate candidate in particular. David Limbrick from the Liberal Democrats is wanting to change our laws regarding cannabis. He wants to see it legalised. This would fit with his political philosophy of freedom to all individuals at all costs. But can freedom go too far? I believe in limited government not in barely any government. As long as government is serving the best interests of society, especially governments that are favourable to a Christian understanding of what is right and wrong, I believe this to be the best solution, considering societies’ need to be governed. When David Limbrick was involved in Victorian state politics, he was driving a legalise-cannabis agenda. You might be interested to read a PDF document, part of which is copied and pasted below, available from the Victorian Parliament’s website here. Mr Limbrick was on the committee and his contribution to the discussion is documented in this PDF. I have included below some key facts and statistics that Gary Christian, spokesman before the committee and representing Drug Free Australia, put forward at the meeting between himself and the Legislative Council Legal And Social Issues Committee for an ‘Inquiry into the Use of Cannabis in Victoria’. Here are some excerpts from this meeting on Wednesday, 19 May 2021:

Most Australians I would think are aware of certain harms, but the media has not been very good, within I would say the last decade, at publicising the harms of cannabis. Now,amotivational syndrome is one of the least of those harms but probably one of the better known ones. When it comes to psychosis, which is known, there is new research which says that it (cannabis) is causal in 30 per cent of new cases of psychosis in London and 50 per cent of psychosis cases in Amsterdam. When it comes to depression—and we have got to remember that mental health is big on the agenda of Australian governments at the moment, especially with young people—there is a 37 per cent greater chance of depression. Cannabis use is associated with a 3.5-fold risk of suicidal attempts. That is something that should really concern us. So, for every 100 noncannabis users who commit suicide there are going to be 350 cannabis users who will attempt suicide. That is not good. Violence and aggression is a major issue. I spent 17 years in senior management. For 10 of those years I oversaw five women’s refuges, amongst other projects, and a common complaint was the domestic violence—that women and children had to leave their homes and go to a refuge because of cannabis use by the male in that home. There is a big link—violence and aggression. A book by Alex Berenson has a lot of the documented evidence about that. When it comes to brain function, this is what every mum hopes their child never gets—it is issues with cognitive learning, cognitive issues and learning issues that come with cannabis. I will just keep moving on. I think many Australians are aware of the fact that there are driving issues with cannabis, but this is something that does not affect just the users. This affects other people on the road, and I will return to that shortly as well. Cannabis is well described in the science as being genotoxic and mutagenic, and it is causal, interestingly enough, for autism. Some people think that they can use cannabis to alleviate autism. It is a major cause of autism according to a study in 2019 using the entire CDC data from the US. In terms of genotoxic and mutagenic, what cannabis does is it actually shatters chromosomes, and when the body’s DNA repair mechanisms try and put that together in a process called chromothripsis the DNA does not always get that right and so you have got your DNA in the wrong order. Of course that is going to spell harm to the body and usually manifests in cancers. Now, a study released about a month ago showed that of the paediatric cancers that are going up in the US, which is most, they track almost exactly what is happening in those states that have very liberal cannabis laws—recreational use of cannabis. In those states that do not have liberal laws they are hardly rising, and yet in the states that have liberal laws they are going up. So there is a causal relationship, which has now been shown, between cannabis and paediatric cancers, and these are the kinds of graphs that you see. Where those graphs are going up like that, these are paediatric cancers that are tracking the cannabis use in those states. This study actually can take it down to particular cannabinoids, and so THC is one of the causes, cannabichromene is not. Three of those cannabinoids are involved and implicated, and so that is an important issue. Newly confirmed or discovered in 2020—we knew that it was causing birth defects to some extent, but it is causing so many birth defects now according to a US study in 2020 that it has now been called the new thalidomide. That is the birth defects chart, and it shows a link between recent cannabis use and congenital defects. Now, you know, your committee may or may not think much of these kinds of things that I have shown you here, but for the people who are involved who are the parents of children who have these congenital birth defects, whether they are cancers and so on, these are a life-changing event. They are devastating and they are the result of cannabis. So we need to be very much aware of those harms. I have seen the charts for adult cancers in America, using CDC data tracking every cancer in America and looking at that as compared state by state—those states that have low cannabis use, those that have rising cannabis use—and this is just one cannabinoid only that was being tracked in this study: it is actually causing as many cancers as tobacco. Now, you know what we are trying to do with tobacco here in Australia. This is what we need to be doing with cannabis. These are very clear things. Now, within Australia 80 per cent of Australians do not approve of regular cannabis use. I just want to put that on the table for the committee. Should we listen to minority activist groups who will flood the committee with submissions of course, because they organise that way, or do we listen to the majority of Australians—80 per cent? When it comes to other drugs, as you can see on this slide—it is going to be very difficult for you to see—but 96 to 99 per cent of Australians do not accept the regular use of ecstasy, heroin, ice and speed and cocaine. So Australians do not want more drugs within their community. I think it is very clear. They do not approve of all of these drugs. They do not want more drugs, they want less drugs.

Gary Christian, Drug Free Australia.

Freedom is important. But too much freedom, as proposed by David Limbrick, can veer into anarchy. If everyone is free, there is no real freedom for the good. What I mean by ‘freedom’ is the freedom that avoids both tyranny from governments and anarchy among the people as we saw with the BLM protests. Protests to promote anarchy are different from protests against government tyranny thus my admiration for all those peaceful protesters around the globe who protested against Covid tyranny.

Some issues I consider most important are pro-life policies, religious freedom and democratic freedom. Democratic freedom is good up to a point, beyond which it can turn into anarchy, as already stated but it bears repeating. Parties and individuals promoting a pro-life position are a bonus. Please note that parties that express climate concerns are often cloaked tyrannies. For more information on candidates running in particular electorates, plus to get an idea of some of the key policies of many of the candidates, visit the Australian Christian Lobby here. On religious freedom in particular, if MPs have shown their commitment to it in the past by voting in favour of it, you might like to consider voting for them this time. The ACL has provided voting records here. Avi Yemeni from RebelNews has interviewed several of the candidates. Here is a link to their website. You can investigate who your Lower and Upper House candidates are on the Australian Electoral Commission’s website. From there, you can independently google candidate or party information. When a candidate does not give much in way of their policy information, I tend to move on to someone who lets me know where they stand. I wish you well with your voting on Election Day.