Whose Voice?

If, like me, you’ve wondered about the when and how of the upcoming referendum on the Voice, you will find your answers in an SBS article, referenced below along with additional links. The SBS article tells us this will be Australia’s first referendum in a quarter of a century. It suggests that a vote will be called some time between mid-August and mid-January. It predicts likely dates for the referendum as any time from October 7 to December 16. This means that we need to be informing ourselves as much as possible in preparation for voting.

We have been hearing from those for and against the proposed change to the Australian Constitution. Among them are those from our current federal opposition leader, Peter Dutton, former Australian senator Amanda Stoker, Nyunggai Warren Stephen Mundine and Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, to name a few. Their concern is that the Voice, rather than being a voice for all the indigenous, will favour certain elements over the majority of them, not to mention undermining most other Australians as well. My understanding is that the Voice will give power not just to special interest groups among the indigenous population but also to the world controllers at the WEF and UN through granting them rights over most of Australia’s land mass and resources and making conditions worse for ordinary indigenous people, much like Marxists always make conditions worse for ordinary people of all ethnicities, black and white. 

The language of compassion is often invoked in order to get more sinister goals met. This happens all the time. Just as the scare health crisis we’ve just suffered and continue to suffer under elicited and continues to elicit calls from government and others to “get your booster shot”, self-interested greedy puppeteers lurk behind the scenes masquerading behind benevolent terms like ‘health’, ‘science’, ‘research’, ‘vaccines’, ‘safe and effective’. The reality is that these agendas are hiding behind the lust for power and wealth for the few. Power and wealth are not necessarily intrinsically wrong but if others are unfairly exploited in the process of attaining them, and if they are used in harmful ways, they become evil.

In this case, the World Economic Forum is out to rule the entire world. Ridiculous, you say? No, we have been warned and warned about the reality of this. It is not a conspiracy theory. It is true and under way. We have just witnessed it, the lies and hype used to cover up the carnage that’s been wrought on the world by covid-19 and subsequent vaccines. Consult some specialist sites like those of George Christensen, Robert Malone, TrialSiteNews, Rebel News, Children’s Health Defense and many, many other helpful sources including doctors and researchers trying to warn us about the dangers of the vaccines and/or the true agenda behind these pushes. Dr Aseem Malhotra, British cardiologist, was initially for the covid vaccines. He had to endure the death of his father through vaccine harm and subsequently changed his understanding of their danger and is campaigning against them.

The Voice, too, sounds helpful to indigenous people and this is how it being sold to the public. I hasten to add that some proponents of the Voice may be well-intentioned but they are ill-equipped to understand these agendas. They cannot get their heads or hearts around such apparently far-fetched and malicious goals. In an excerpt from his article, The Voice is a Trojan Horse! by George Christensen, we see the operations of the big power-brokers in whose interests the Voice is being attempted to become enshrined into Australia’s Constitution.

But the reality is that the ‘Voice’ is a trojan horse aimed at paving the way for a nation within a nation. It would further solidify racial tensions within the country that the leftist ‘useful idiots’ are so keen on enflaming on behalf of their globalist puppeteers. It would also destabilise our state apparatus, with decision-making at all levels of government paralysed as the ‘Voice’ issues its proclamations on every law under the Sun and ‘activist’ judges then attempt to undermine the democratic process with legal jiggery-pokery, elevating those proclamations to the status of constitutional clauses. Don’t believe me? Then take the words of eminent constitutional lawyer Professor Greg Craven of the Australian National University:

The Voice can comment on everything from submarines to parking tickets… It will be very difficult for the government to operate, either because it will be constantly delayed, tied up in knots or indeed because the courts end up intervening directly in the decision.” Prof. Greg Craven

Such a situation would further create legal grounds for the appropriation of some 70 percent of Australian land to native title. This won’t be to the benefit of the Aboriginal people of Australia though but rather, it will finally open an opportunity for the global oligarch class to exploit our country with impunity and hold our economy hostage. Indigenous representation, which many claim this proposal will enable, will instead be side-lined. In its place would be a ‘managed’ class that supposedly claims to speak on their behalf but truly will be speaking only on behalf of their own self-interest and that of their corporate and globalist overlords. We can draw this insight from the real-life example of Australia’s neighbour New Zealand. They implemented a similar governance model to the ‘Voice’ termed ‘co-governance.’ It was supposed to reduce ethnic inequalities but worsened them instead. It also made a small group of grifters exceptionally rich. This small group now collectively leads billion-dollar enterprises but at the same time continues to drum the beats of oppression. Since 2015, New Zealand has been experiencing an unprecedented and, some can even say, hostile takeover of its land, real estate, and resource by foreign companies. Today, as it stands six of the 10 biggest landowners in New Zealand are foreign companies. Just 4,500 people or 0.1 percent of the population own 50 percent of the land and their percentage of the total continues to increase rapidly each year. With the ‘Voice’, Australia will be headed towards the same, harrowing future.The enactment of the ‘Voice’ would be the enactment of the end to the Australian nation as we know it.

The Voice Is A Trojan Horse/George Christensen

So, the Voice becomes the lever for globalists to gain more world control, in this case via Australia, but its implementation is couched in terms of benevolence towards the indigenous of our country. Same old ploy, same old outcome for all under the domination of very powerful and corrupt interest groups. As in all communities, black and white, there are divided outlooks and opinions among the indigenous. Like all communities, black and white, you have an element of indigenous Marxists and power brokers seeking their own advantage and agendas at the expense of their fellow indigenous. Please consider carefully before voting on this issue which will, if implemented, negatively affect this country and its inhabitants, black and white, in more ways than we could ever imagine.

In order to illustrate the ‘element’ at work pushing for the ‘yes’ vote for the Voice, after I wrote this article but before publishing, I saw on George Christensen’s substack that a new advertisement has been created by the ‘no’ campaigners :

 “Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Fair Australia have released an advertisement exposing one of the Communist architects of the ‘Indigenous Voice to Parliament’.”

Advance Australia

If ever we needed an illustration of the truth of what I have expressed here, this should be it.


When will you vote on the Voice to Parliament?


What companies don’t get about the Voice by Amanda Stoker – Financial Review


The Voice will divide Aboriginal people and our great democratic nation by Nyunggai Warren Stephen Mundine – SBS


The Voice is a Trojan Horse! by George Christensen – substack.com

Voice to Parliament Divides Australians by Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price – Sunrise, 7News Australia